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Ergis #ID: 32
Accommodation in Krkonose Mts.
Ergis #ID: 85
Tourist information in the Krkonose Mountains
There are many information centres in the Krkonose Mountains. Most of them are operated privately operated and self-financed by arranging tourist-accommodation and selling souvenirs.
Information centres displaying a white "i" on a green background are certified by CzechTourism. They also offer additional services like transportation schedules, information on hiking routes, bicycle tours, etc.
The Krkonose National Park information centres (KRNAP) supply tips, advice and information on the nature of the Krkonose Mountains and e.g. the condition and clearance of hiking trails.
List of information centres
Ergis #ID: 5
Czech side: Czech crown (Kc, international code CZK), 1 Kc = 100 hellers. 24 crowns equals around 1 Euro. Czech banknotes
Polish side: Polish Zloty (Zl, international code PLN), 1 Zloty = 100 Grozsy. 3.8 Zloty equals around 1 Euro. Polish banknotes
Ergis #ID: 89
Money exchange
In most informational centres, in tourist exchange offices, in banks. Automatic teller machines for credit cards are available in most cities.
Ergis #ID: 47
Cell phones have, with few exceptions, signal everywhere in the Krkonose national park. Country code for the Czech Republic is +420, for Poland +48.
Important phone numbers:
Mountain rescue services in Czech: 602 448 338
Mountain rescue services in Poland: 985 or 601 100 300
Police: 112 or 158
Emergency phone numbers
Ergis #ID: 93
Food and drinks
Don't miss out on the delicious Czech homestyle cooking and the international cuisine in the region's many restaurants. Meat dishes start at an equivalent of 5 Euros and include side dishes.
The Restaurants are generally quite good and use fresh ingredients. Drinks are also moderately priced compared to the "old" Europe. Prices vary slightly, depending on the region. Half-board bookings are between 150 and 200 Czech Crowns per day and mostly include 2 or 3 set-meals with soup, main dish and dessert to choose from.
Our tip
Pec pod Sněžkou
Our tip
Our tip